The Map of Hsinchu Commercial Vocational High School 

National Hsinchu Commercial Vocational High School 

No. 128, Xuefu Rd., East Dist., Hsinchu City 300, Taiwan (R.O.C.)



About My School

National Hsinchu Commercial Vocational High School that is HCCVS.

My school was founded in April 1940 during the Japanese Occupation Era.

The campus, sitting at the foot of 18 Peaks Mountain, covers an area of nine hectares.

The value of HCCVS was established on the school motto " conscientiousness, honesty, sincerity and discretion.

Excellent Almni:

Fai-Nan Perng, the Governor of the Central Bank of Taiwan.

Jung-Jzer Lin, the 2001-2009 Hinchu City Mayor.

臺北市中山區中山北路三段181號 10461
版權所有 2020
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