Hsinchu Cheng Huang Temple, also known as " City God Temple," is a local landmark and has the highest ranking of all the city god temple in Taiwan. It was founded in 1748, and masterfully restored in 1924. Cheng Huang, the coty god of justice and the ruler of the underword, is responsible for the final judgement of each soul....



The Old Street features building mainly from the Japanese colonial period and were built in the Baroque style and the Qing dynasty style. Qing Dynasty buildings, unfortunately, were largely destroyed after the Old Street suffered two serious fires. The only remaining buildings designed in a Qing style, are the arcades, the red brick arches and the...



The tour to North Gate Street would't be complete without tasting some delicacies on the street.

Zheng YongHsi, the FIRST Taiwanese receive the title, " Jin Shi ".

臺北市中山區中山北路三段181號 10461
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